
Tuesday evening, somewhere deep in an industrial English city, a red-headed baby interrupted her mother's viewing of Eastenders to enter the world. She had a lot to answer for. The fourth child to enter the family, yet she was the only one genetically sunkissed by her father's disposition. Immediately she was different.

She came alive at night. A nocturnal living that would last a lifetime. She hated soap operas. She was blessed by a French forename and German surname, and appreciated this because she secretly wished for a more cultured family history. She had so much to learn, and a willingness to do so. As a child, she never felt happier than when surrounded by books, or dancing to music. She wrote stories but couldn't finish them. She disliked endings. She grew fast, but never quite reached her full potential in the height department, remaining the nation's average. Her shoe size was also average, despite their dainty appearance. She disliked the word 'average'. She grew chubby, then lost it, then ate more chocolate.She had a passion for words, and a burning desire to know more. She believed there was a song for every moment in life, and they played in her head like a soundtrack of the soul.

She learnt to write in third person, despite how spectacularly pretentious it might appear to be. She believed that a narration of life can be beautiful, and she found a way to share the world around her, and the places left to explore.

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